
Shaving Cutters


High Precision Master Gear

High Precision Master Gear

High Precision Master Gear
Module: m0.8-m8
Pressure angle: PA14.5°-30°
Helix angle: 0-45°LH,RH
Diameter: 50-180mm,Accuracy: Class 3, 4 and 5

  • High Precision Master Gear

    Module: m0.8-m8

    Pressure angle: PA14.5°-30°; Helix angle: 0-45°, LH, RH

    Diameter: 50-180mm, Accuracy: Class 3, Class 4 and Class 5

    It is easily used for inspecting errors of tooth profile, tooth alignment and radial tunout etc. at class 7-8 gears making production.

    master gear.jpg

    Jiangxing Tools designs and manufactures all types of master gears for many different applications such as testing, measuring and calibration requirements.